
Here’s a poncho I just finished…finally! I’ve been working on it for ages. In all fairness, it took me so long because I always have a million things going at once. So I jump back and forth! This is both sides.

Click to enlarge.


Here are blankets I made for my darling grandkids and my son, Scott, and his wife, Debbie. I made one for Meagan when she was born, but forgot to take a picture!

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More Preemie Blankets

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PinkTrimBabyBlanketPinkYellowPreemieBlanketRoseJadePreemieBlanketStarlightPreemieBlanketIvoryTrimPreemieBlanketCreamPurplePreemieBlanketCharityCrochet2008 (3)

Some Preemie Crochet

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PreemieCrochet (9)PreemieCrochet (14)PreemieCrochet (12)

Here are newborn and preemie hats I’ve made. They’re my favorite things, since they’re so small and quick!

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PreemieDollRHTweedStormyPreemieHatRHHokeyPokeySpearmintPreemieHatSocksRHBabyYummyyarnPreemieHatPreemieHatsPreemie HatMay25_09NewbornPreemieHatsMoreNewbornPreemieHatsMicroPreemieHatsNewbornHatBabyBoucleNewbornHatBabyCloudsPinkSwirl Baby HatLoomPreemieHat


Here are my doll models. The smaller one is about the size of a 2-3 pound preemie and the other one about the size of a normal newborn.

Click to enlarge.



A bit obssessed, maybe?? I LOVE yarn….I can’t resist a good sale….although you can see I don’t need more! I figure if God was good enough to bless me with all this, then I might as well use it for helping people!

Click to enlarge.

Yarn StashMay25_09_2Yarn StashMay25_09